The Boeing Company (Boeing), through its Space Exploration Division, solicited Patriot Taxiway Industries input regarding the design and development of the lighting for Boeing’s Crew Space Transportation (CST)-100.

Patriot Taxiway supplied the Crew Module Lighting to provide general illumination for crew activities, operations, and visual tasks being performed. The Patriot lighting is the latest technology Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and their power supplies.

The Lighting System supplied operated within –

  • Lighting System, Crew Tunnel (LED 1, LED 4, Tunnel)- Zone 2(2 white fixtures, two blue fixtures)
  • Lighting System, Crew Dome (LED 2 & LED 3)-Zone 1(2 white fixtures)
  • Lighting Power Supplies (Quantity = 2) (two separate supplies Zone 2 with egress unit functions)

Full MIL-STD testing and 55G shock launch testing was performed to customer requirements.